Review of the Process – The Moon’s Cycle

So this ‘Review of the Process’ is looking at the most recent series of Poems looking into the Cycle of the Moon. The main aim of this was to look into our own cycles and how we reflect upon them, referring to day and night, different days, the seasons. How do we act within these cycles.

The process of writing these poems was to write them as I went along. So each poem was written in the hour or so before it was posted (on Instagram – some of my poems at the top of the cycle were posted a bit later than the actual meeting of the cycle). This was designed in a way that my spirit was at its peak within that portion of the cycle, as in I was acting off the impulses that the cycle there afforded of me. I did have various ideas writing these oems that didn’t quite fit the current poem, so those ideas were used at a later date.

Where I felt that this process was the right one to use was in the fact that it felt very natural. I was going off the cycles that the moon had afforded me, which would also feed off the people that surrounded me as well. This meant that when it came to writing the poem, I was already in the mood, which brings me to one of my favourite quotes, which I think as Abraham Lincoln: “If I had 6 hours to chop down a tree, I’d spend 5 hours sharpening my Axe”. In theory, this meant that when the time came to writing my poem, I was in the best situation to produce the best work I could.

However, it’s true that some times I wasn’t really sharpening that axe. Don’t get me wrong, I stuck to the script as much as possible, but where I would have 5 days to work on the Waxing Gibbous, for example, I would no be writing the poem until the last day – which meant that there were many moods that I missed out on. Further, in these five days, I may have gone one or two days without even thinking of the next poem – this could have been in the form of:

  • Finding new words rather than overusing certain ones (I felt Rise and Smile were two words that became repetitious)
  • Developing the story and thinking about what could come next
  • Certain rhymes may have developed the story better do

In short, in these moments, I wasn’t sharpening my axe so I wasn’t creating the best work that I could.

But that comes with practise.

Soon the Moon Returns to the Night

The ceasing moon hides from our sight

Approaching the end of the cycle

But still…

A quiet light keeps shining,

The crescents descent

Is embraced here with a smile

Shining a sliver of light.

The eyes are closing,

So soon the moon returns to the night.



The Alliteration Challenge – Zipped through the Zoo


We’ve Zipped through the Zoo in a Zigzag with Zest,

Zinging the Adder, the Manta and Zebra

Crossing the Zietgeist from Zombie to human.

The Alliteration Challenge – Yesterday a Year passed

Yesterday a Year passed since I met a Yeti,

Yet it Yielded me nothing but a mob of Yobs and a Yawn from a Youthful Yank.


Forgetting my Yellow,

I Yell for the Yeti with a melodic Yodel but now I’m just left Yawning,

Ive been waiting for Yonks for this beast.

The Alliteration Challenge – EXperiencing Xenophobia

EXperiencing Xenophobia as I EXtract some EX’s from E’s,

Thus EXploring an Exchange, an EXtension, and EXhibiting EXpert EXuberance with an EXamination.

EXclusive you says:

“This EXception is EXploitation

EXtinguish the Extrinsic EXterior.”

I say “EXit the X-ray.”



We’re coming to the EXpiry of this EXperiment

The Alliteration Challenge – Why Wager my life

The Winds Wind down and I see the damage.

My Ship has been Wrecked Where I’ve Wandered into a Web

The Weapon of the Well-off spider,

Who is Weaving it stronger and Wider

While the Warden patrols and the Watchman looms.

Within these Walls I’m Wide awake With the White noise, Withering away,

Welcome to Wednesday With the Willpower Withdrawn,

The Warrior Within Waiting for the Weekend

Weighted down by Worry, Wondering our Worth.


The Warm blooded mind Wandering, Wishing We Were Wild and free,

Beneath the Waterfall.


Winter Walks in from the West With a Whisper of Work that Will be Wasting our time


Why Wager my life When my Working Wage is shite!

The Alliteration Challenge – Vacated with my Valentine


Venomous Voices from their Vegetative state will say Vigilantes, 

But these two do not listen….

They simply left with a Verified Voicemail:

“I’ve Vacated with my Valentine!”


Vague Vagabonds Validating,

Vying for that feeling in their Veins

In their Vessel, 

On their Voyage, 

The Volume up high for these two Visionaries with life as their Vocation – 

Vibrancy, Virility, Versatility, 

Living free. 

The Alliteration Challenge – Utmost Urgency

It’s Uncomfortable,

But of Utmost Urgency, to Understand your Unprofessional, Unwarranted voice that makes you feel Useless,

To Understand the way you Usurp and Undermine the Upbeat Uplift of you, the Upcoming man,

Understand and Unravel.


Unless you Underestimate this Undercover, Unruly Union between You and Your Unidentified faults,

The Unpopular UFO hidden Underground.


An Ultimate mistake.


It may be Unbeatable.

It may be Unspeakable.


But Unseat the Undesirable,

And Understand.

The Alliteration Challenge – The Taught Technique

As Thorough Thoughts are now Turned into action

There’s Terrible Themes That Threaten To Topple his heaven.


It is in Transit That Those Tiring Turbulent voices Tail off,

The Treading Triumphant

The Training Tenacious

So The Template is set,

As Today Turns into Tomorrow where The Taught Technique helps Tackle The Tough Tedious Tasks,

See The Transition as he adapts The Tactics To each Travelled Tangent

And new Traits Turn Tradition,

Unleashing a Torrent within This Travelling Technician,

Torching The way for The Thunderous mission…


Take it Today,

There is no better Time to start the Tapestry,

Set the Tone for Tomorrow.

The Alliteration Challenge – He Stands up Straight

Sometimes it is as Simple as Setting off,

But he See’s the alarm

And the button to Snooze

He’s Sceptical, Seduced back to Sleep,

Satisfied with Staying in the Shallows

Where the Shore is in Sight…


Shifting the gear, he Stands up Straight

Still Sleepy.


A Small Sacrifice, he Sets the Sail,

Sowing the Seed

Steering his Ship out to Sea

With Speed, Scribing his Script

Strategically Setting the Scene to the Specifications of the Superior Specimen,

He’s Sculpting the Self,

Soldering the Sword and the Shield for this odyssey,

There’s a Synergy within the Structure of his Senses.

Standing tall, he Stretches out

Supporting the Spine and Stimulating the mind –

A Sponge in his Skull,

He’s Sprinting…

Suddenly it’s Salmon and Salad

With the Smoothie Sweetness,

He’s feeling Strong, and So he dives in…

Into the Open Ocean

The Sultry Sea

So that he can Swim,

Swim with the Sharks

A Stark change from the Stationary Spectator on the Shoreline,

The Soul Satisfied in a Seamless Transition,

He’s reached the Savannah.


And So I Say it again….


It is as Simple as Setting off.