The Alliteration Challenge – Zipped through the Zoo


We’ve Zipped through the Zoo in a Zigzag with Zest,

Zinging the Adder, the Manta and Zebra

Crossing the Zietgeist from Zombie to human.

The Alliteration Challenge – Yesterday a Year passed

Yesterday a Year passed since I met a Yeti,

Yet it Yielded me nothing but a mob of Yobs and a Yawn from a Youthful Yank.


Forgetting my Yellow,

I Yell for the Yeti with a melodic Yodel but now I’m just left Yawning,

Ive been waiting for Yonks for this beast.

The Alliteration Challenge – EXperiencing Xenophobia

EXperiencing Xenophobia as I EXtract some EX’s from E’s,

Thus EXploring an Exchange, an EXtension, and EXhibiting EXpert EXuberance with an EXamination.

EXclusive you says:

“This EXception is EXploitation

EXtinguish the Extrinsic EXterior.”

I say “EXit the X-ray.”



We’re coming to the EXpiry of this EXperiment

The Alliteration Challenge – Why Wager my life

The Winds Wind down and I see the damage.

My Ship has been Wrecked Where I’ve Wandered into a Web

The Weapon of the Well-off spider,

Who is Weaving it stronger and Wider

While the Warden patrols and the Watchman looms.

Within these Walls I’m Wide awake With the White noise, Withering away,

Welcome to Wednesday With the Willpower Withdrawn,

The Warrior Within Waiting for the Weekend

Weighted down by Worry, Wondering our Worth.


The Warm blooded mind Wandering, Wishing We Were Wild and free,

Beneath the Waterfall.


Winter Walks in from the West With a Whisper of Work that Will be Wasting our time


Why Wager my life When my Working Wage is shite!

The Alliteration Challenge – Utmost Urgency

It’s Uncomfortable,

But of Utmost Urgency, to Understand your Unprofessional, Unwarranted voice that makes you feel Useless,

To Understand the way you Usurp and Undermine the Upbeat Uplift of you, the Upcoming man,

Understand and Unravel.


Unless you Underestimate this Undercover, Unruly Union between You and Your Unidentified faults,

The Unpopular UFO hidden Underground.


An Ultimate mistake.


It may be Unbeatable.

It may be Unspeakable.


But Unseat the Undesirable,

And Understand.

The Alliteration Challenge – He Stands up Straight

Sometimes it is as Simple as Setting off,

But he See’s the alarm

And the button to Snooze

He’s Sceptical, Seduced back to Sleep,

Satisfied with Staying in the Shallows

Where the Shore is in Sight…


Shifting the gear, he Stands up Straight

Still Sleepy.


A Small Sacrifice, he Sets the Sail,

Sowing the Seed

Steering his Ship out to Sea

With Speed, Scribing his Script

Strategically Setting the Scene to the Specifications of the Superior Specimen,

He’s Sculpting the Self,

Soldering the Sword and the Shield for this odyssey,

There’s a Synergy within the Structure of his Senses.

Standing tall, he Stretches out

Supporting the Spine and Stimulating the mind –

A Sponge in his Skull,

He’s Sprinting…

Suddenly it’s Salmon and Salad

With the Smoothie Sweetness,

He’s feeling Strong, and So he dives in…

Into the Open Ocean

The Sultry Sea

So that he can Swim,

Swim with the Sharks

A Stark change from the Stationary Spectator on the Shoreline,

The Soul Satisfied in a Seamless Transition,

He’s reached the Savannah.


And So I Say it again….


It is as Simple as Setting off.

The Alliteration Challenge – Repeating the Relapse

Relapsed, Ragged,

Regressing into a Rotten Romance,

We recede into the Recess of the mind,

Repeating the Relapse,

Repeated again…

Reminiscing the Raw Races of old


Remembering that we Ran Rampant

Revelling in the competition,


Really living on a Regular basis,

We Rebuild Those dreams.



Rule of your Riches.

The Race is Still on

Ready, Set, Go

Sometimes it’s as Simple Setting off

The Alliteration Challenge – The Queen and the Quack

The Queen and the Quack had a Quarrel because the cost of the Queen’s Quest exceeded the Quack’s Quotation.

The unQualified Quack became Queasy at the Quaking Queen’s Questions when Quizzed “Quantity or Quality?”

The Quack had a Quandry, A Quick Decision: “I Quit”

The Queen’s Qualm was Quashed as she Quietly Quipped:

“Guards, complete the Quota,

He Shall be hung, drawn and Quartered.”

The Alliteration Challenge – A Plethora of P’s

Take a Peek at the P’s,

There’s a Plethora!

Now the Panic Perpetrates and the Pressure Penetrates

The Passion Plateaus,

A Protest,

Physically Poisoned by a Petulance

Persecuting the self and Persuading me to Piss it away.


Pitch a Pivot

Patience and Prudence is needed;

With the Pairing of Panic and Passion

We Parley,

Pass a Pact

Take the Plunge

Turn the Page

And Pound it out.

A little Push means new Pastures,

A new Passage Paved through Perseverance,

How Painless it was despite the Panic.

Surely I didn’t Pretend it would be Perfect and easy.

The Alliteration Challenge – The Omen of Open people

Once upon a time

An Oasis,

The Optimum Offering, it was the Omen of Open people.

To the Optics it was Opaque

Obviously Opportune.


However, Occasionally Opening the Outfit shows Only Opulence,

The more Observant say Overgrown,

Over the hill, you hear a groan from an Outsider,

The Ogre

An Outcast, Ostracised

Ogling the Optimism whilst they put him to work

His Overcast was Overdue,

This Opponent Outgrew the Original plan

And Opened his mind,

Orchestrated by his Orienteering Outside.


“An Outrage!

The Organisation must then be Out of date,

We must Open Ourselves to the Ordeal of Others

If the Oasis is to remain an Oasis”

Said the Officer in Charge.


An Overture,

Then the Opinions of the Ouija board

Onto an Oath, met with a standing Ovation.

Back to the Oasis, they’re Overjoyed.

But it was Only their Own Opinion

So still the Oaf, the Ogre remains,

An Outcast.